Tuesday 18 August 2015

A.P Critchlow Co Thermoplsastic Union Case for Antique Photograhpy Collectors

I purchased this small oval case from a friend who was in her late 80's. She told me it was her mother's. I had no idea what is was but was drawn to the detailed scene on either side of the case. With a little research, I learned that it is called a Union Case and that "union" had nothing to do with the Civil War Era but referred to the union of materials to create an early plastic. This Thermoplastic Union Case is in great condition. The brass hinge functions well and the closure is tight. An inner picture rim made of copper is all there but as the picture shows, the prongs are bent from use. The case has a depiction of what appears to be a figure with a horn in lap sleeping under a tree with a church in the background. A bird perches overhead, and one is drinking water in a bowl on the ground. An ornate scroll encircles the entire scene. The front and back of the case are identical. The unusual thing about this case is the oval shape. It has a patent date of 1856-57. The case is available in booth PPR at Woolbright's River City Antique Mall in Princeton, WI. With a phone call, you can arrange for shipment to you!  920-295-3475

A.P. Critchlow Union Case

Miniature Scene with Fine Detail

Union Case c.1857 +
 "Union Case was made by combining shellac and ground wood fiber. It has a glossy finish and is usually black. It was commonly molded to make cases for daguerreotypes and later dresser sets."

~ Estate Jewelry 1760-1960. Diana Sanders Cinamon. Schiffer, 2009, page 69.
Side View of Critchlow Case

Brass Hinge on Union Case

Velvet on Left Picture Frame on Right

Stamped Impression in Velvet

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